Sound patterning is also of great concern in any attempt to analyze Pound’s prosody.
An example given earlier, also demonstrates the poet’s discerning understanding of interplay between variable vowel length and contrastive consonants. |
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Sound patterning, more often than not, determines Pound’s prosody. When in high lyrical mode and the tempo of taut, rhythmic sets accelerates, individual phonemes either meld mellifluously with one another or clash and clang to such a degree that it becomes difficult to articulate them clearly. The effect, either way, is arresting. As in ‘Mauberley, IV (1920) – which echoes the Elpènor theme in Canto I – the revision of Ur-VIII takes sound combinations about as far as they can go: |
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9 | ‘Far’ and ‘near’ refer to conventions of East Asian, landscape painting as recorded by Ernest Fenollosa “With usura the line grows thick” [XLV: 18] also stems from the same source. |
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Another kind of displacement occurs in Pound’s rendering of Calvacanti’s meditation on the nature of Love. Instead of the rhythms of early Renaissance Italian, he invokes those of Elizabethan/Jacobean song : |
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Pound’s grammatical manipulations and metrical ploys often astound. Take for example a minor, switch-back sequence. The preceding context has to do with 1890’s decadence and Yeats’s withering judgment : “half dead at the top”. |
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Another often-invoked rhetorical/rhythmic device is the interrupted syntactical unit, and its development over time is noteworthy. There is a classic example in Canto XCII which also relies much on the manipulation of word boundaries: |
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In traditional terms Pound’s strategy would be described as variable line lengths in rising, dupal meter with contrasting falling units and constant interplay between rhythmic set and line length, while proportion is maintained in the long run. Actually the prosody undulates according to meaning and saught-after emphasis. Tensions between eye and ear recognition, as well as emphatic pauses, are crucial. The clustering of heavy stress and reversals of word boundaries (initial and medial stress) cannot be ignored, nor sound-patterning and grammatical consternation. The end-effect is a vital (living) rhythm which hovers about a norm, but executes sudden flourishes that contrast with longer, more relaxed sets. Expansions and contractions of timing inform our perception of the poet’s intention. They modulate from hammering insistence through prose-like passages to sumptuous lyricism, always adjusted to immediate requirements. Generally speaking, rhythm is generated and regenerated moment by moment. The opening up and closing down of possibilities is central to the reader’s understanding of on-going meaning. Flows and eddies, twists and turns, stops and sweeps are both the medium and the message. |
Contents |
Curriculum vitae |
Nigerian Literature: |
Commitment |
Ozidi Saga |
Ethnic Traditions |
Theater: |
Lyric Drama |
Nō Drama |
Green Park |
Ezeulu |
Ezra Pound: |
Martinelli |
History |
Mindscape |
Canto XLIX |
The Cantos |
Soundscape * |
* Canto II Canto XXXVI Canto LXXIX Canto XCII Canto CXVI |
Imprint: |
Richard Dean Taylor |