1957: A.B. English Literature (With Distinction)
Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, U.S.A.
1964: M.A. (Victorian and Modern British Literature)
The University, Manchester, Lancs., U.K.
Thesis: `The Doctrine of the Daimon in the Work of A.E. & W.B. Yeats'
Supervisors: Frank Kermode, R.G. Cox
1966: Ph.D. The University, Durham, Co. Durham, U.K.
Diss.: `Frank Pearce Sturm (1879-1942), His Life & Work'
Supervisor: Roger Sharrock
1979-99: Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Universität Bayreuth, Gemany
lectures: Modern British and American Literature
seminars: African Literature in English
(1979-81) University Committee for Scholarly Research
(1979-88) Editorial Board, Komparatistische Hefte
(1984-88) University Committee for Teaching and Study
(1986-88) Dean, Faculty of Language and Literature, University Senate
1976-79: Professor of Literature in English, University of Ife, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
lectures: American Literature (19th & 20th C.), Introduction to Lit.
seminars: Theory of Literature, History of Criticism, African Lit. in English
(1976-77) Head, Department of Literature in English
(1976-79) Director, University of Ife Bookshop Limited
(1977-79) Vice-Dean, Faculty of Arts
1971-76: Reader in English, University of Ife, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
(1972-75) Acting Head, Department of Eng. Lang. and Lit.
(1972-74) Business Committee of Senate
(1973-75) Advisory Board, Institute of African Studies
1966-71: Assistant Professor, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755, U.S.A.
lectures: Modern British/American Poetry and Novel
seminars: Ezra Pound, Irish Lit. Revival, African-Caribbean-Black American
Lit., Freshman Eng.
(1967-69) Research Grants Committee
1965-66: Visiting Lecturer, The University, Reading, Berks., U.K.
tutorials: Shakespeare, Milton, Victorian Novel
seminars: Spenser, Jacobean Drama
1963-65: Lecturer, Fourah Bay College (Durham University), Freetown, Sierra Leone
lectures: Shakespeare, Dryden, Pope, Elementary Linguistics
seminars: Victorian Novel, African Literature, General Studies
(1963-65) Department Representative, Faculty Board of Arts
1962-63: English Teacher, American School in Japan, Tokyo
1959-60: Lt(jg) USNR, Education Advisor, Naval Academy, Nha Trang, S. Vietnam
1957-61: Ens. USNR, CIC Officer, USS Fessenden (DER-142, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Languages: English (mother tongue), French, German, Italian
A Variorum Edition of The Cantos of Ezra Pound,
a computer-assisted collation of all published texts (including ur-cantos) as well as all identifiable setting-copy and both Eva Hesse's and Mary de Rachewiltz'es bilingual editions, sound recordings of Pound's readings, and the poet's personal copies with autograph corrections and other marginalia. Full documentation of authorized readings and editorial emendations have been culled from Pound's correspondence and publishers' archives (1981- ).
Nigerian Literature in English: National Identity and Ethnic Consciousness.
A survey of themes, treatment, and literary techniques, including an assessement of interaction with pre-literate aesthetics and foreign models, carried out within a university-wide special-area project (1984- ).
Organizer: Fourteenth International Ezra Pound Conference, Brunnenburg, Dorf Tirol, 39019 ITALY. 16 - 18 July 1991.
Organizer: Section II - Nigeria, Anglistentag, Dresden. 29 Sept.-2. Okt. 1996.
Organizer: Seventeenth International Ezra Pound Conference, Brunnenburg, Dorf Tirol, 39019 ITALY. 12-15 July 1997.
1984-88: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Council) grant covering salaries for two full-time colleagues (women's and children's literature) as well as six extended field trips leading to monographs on Nigerian Literature in English.
1988 (March-April): Donald Gallup Research Fellowship Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, New Haven CT, a preliminary survey of mss concerning Ezra Pound's Cantos.
1988 (September): With Professor Hans Walter Gabler, Munich Univ., Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (German Academic-Exchange Council) grant for a familiarization program in computer-assisted `critique génétique' at the Institute des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes (ITEM), Paris.
1988-89: (Michaelmas and Lent Terms). Overseas Research Fellowship, Churchill College, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England.
1990-1994: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Council) grant covering salary for a part-time editor and assistant as well as extended research tours in England and America in pursuit of mss and unpublished letters concerning Ezra Pound's Cantos.
1995 (March-April): Everett Helm Research Fellowship, Lilly Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Indiana, Bloomington IN; completion of documentation for Variorum Cantos.
1995 (September-October): Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellowship, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas, Austin TX; Completion of documentation for Variorum Cantos.
Frank Pearce Sturm: His Life, Letters, and Collected Work.
Urbana, Chicago, and London; University of Illinois Press, 1969. 382 pgs.
The Drama of W.B. Yeats: Irish Myth and the Japanese Nō.
London and New Haven; Yale University Press, 1976. Reprinted 1977. 247 pgs.
Background Lectures in English Literature,
ed. R. Taylor. Benin; Ethiope Press, 1978. 218 pgs.
Understanding the Elements of Literature: Forms, Techniques and Cultural Conventions.
London; Macmillan, 1982. Reprinted 1989. 234 pgs. Chinese tr. by Li Fang. Chenydu; Sechuan University Press, 1987.
A Reader's Guide to the Plays of W.B. Yeats.
London and Dublin; Macmillan: New York; St. Martin's Press, 1984. Reprinted 1991. 197 pgs.
Variorum Edition of Three Cantos, A Prototype. Bayreuth; Boomerang Press, 1991. 125 pgs.
Ezra Pound and Europe, ed. R. Taylor and Claus Melchior. Amsterdam; Rodopi, 1993. 242 pgs.
* GREEN PARK: A NŌ PLAY with Japanese tr. by S. Matsudeira in Michi, A Journal for Cultural Exchange, 3, 1 (Spring 1980), pp. 1-8. Reprinted in `Japanese Noh Drama in European and African Dress,' Komparatistische Hefte, 4 (1981), pp. 81-101.
* EZEULU: A MODERN NŌ PLAY, in `Japanese Noh Drama in European and African Dress', Komparatistische Hefte, 4 (1981), pp. 81 - 101. Reprinted in Ife Studies in African Literature and the Arts, 1 (Harmattan 1982), pp. 46-56.
`The Resurrected Christ: A Modern Nō Drama,' Ariel, 2 (1971), 95-104.
`The Notebooks of Ernest Fenollosa: Translations from the Japanese Nō,' Literature East and West, 15, 4 (December 1972), 533-576.
`Assimilation and Accomplishment: Nō Drama and an Unpublished Source for At the Hawk's Well,' Yeats and the Theatre, Yeats Study Series, ed. R. O'Driscoll and L. Reynolds. London and Toronto; Macmillan, 1975, Pp. 137-158.
`Ezra Pound: Editor of Nō,' Paideuma (December, 1975), 345-353.
`The Twentieth Century: Contemporary Trends', Background Lectures in English Literature, ed. R. Taylor. Benin; Ethiope Press, 1978, Pp. 193-203.
Commitment to Criticism, Inaugural Lecture Series 30. Ile-Ife, University of Ife Press, 1978. 17 pgs.
`The Ozidi-Saga: From Oral to Written Literature,' The History and Historiography of Commonwealth Literature, ed. D. Riemenschneider. Tübingen; Gunter Narr Verlag, 1983,. Pp. 211-220.
`Die mystisch-okkulte Wiedererweckung: Rituelle Magie und symbolistische Dichtung,' Die `Nineties'; Das englische Fin de siècle zwischen Dekadenz und Sozialkritik, ed. M. Pfister u. B. Schulte-Middelich. Bern; Francke Verlag, 1983. Pp. 100-114.
`Turning to Poetry in South Africa,' Voices from Distant Lands; Poetry in the Commonwealth, eds. K. Gross and W. Klooss. Würzburg; Königshausen + Neumann, 1983, Pp. 12-20.
`The Question of Ethnic Traditions within a National Literature: The Example of Nigeria,' Bayreuth African Studies Series, 2, Towards African Authenticity. Bayreuth, 1985, Pp. 31-47.
`Lyric Drama from Yeats and Eliot to Beckett and Pinter: Modernist Method and Technique,' Forum Modernes Theater, Heft 1 (1988), 124-141.
`Pan-African Tales Twice-Told,' Cambridge Review, 110, 2307 (December 1989), 165-167.
`Reconstructing Ezra Pound's Cantos, Variorum Edition – Manuscript Archive – Reading Text,' Anglistentag 1989 Würzburg: Proceedings, ed. Rüdiger Ahrens. Tübingen; Niemeyer, 1990. Pp. 350-369 and Ezra Pound and America, ed. Jacqueline Kaye. London, Macmillan, 1992, pp. 132-148. Reprinted as revised in Avantgarde und Postmoderne - Prozesse struktureller und funktionaler Veränderungen, ed. Erika Fischer-Lichte und Klaus Schwind. Tübingen; Stauffenburg, 1991. Pp. 139-160.
`Metrical Variation in Yeats's Verse,' Yeats Annual, 8. London; Macmillan, 1991. Pp. 21-38.
`Il noh giappanese e la sua diffusione nel mondo occidentale,' Il lettore di provincia, 22, 82 (dicembre 1991), 3-19.
`Postcolonial Criticism', The Modern Language Review, 7, 2 (April, 1992), 961-965.
`Canto XLIX, Futurism, and the Fourth Dimension,' Neohelicon, XX, 1 (1993), [333] - 352. Republished, 2015.
`Meter and Measure in Avant-Garde Poetry,' Neohelicon, XX/1 (1994), 143-164.
`Notes to Readers' on `Introduction by William Butler Yeats to Certain Noble Plays of Japan by Pound and Fenollosa', A Guide to Ezra Pound and Ernest Fenollosa's Classic Noh Theatre of Japan, ed. Akiko Miyake, Sanehide Kodoma, and Nicholas Teele. Orono, ME; National Poetry Foundation and Otsu, Japan; Ezra Pound Society of Japan, 1994. Pp. 297-301.
`Towards A Textual Biography of The Cantos,' Modernist Writers and the Market Place, ed. Warren Chernaik. London; Macmillan, 1996, Pp. 223-257.
`The History and State of the Texts,' A Poem Including History, The Text of The Cantos, ed. Lawrence Rainey. Ann Arbor, MI; University of Michigan Press, 1997. Pp. 235-265. As revised in The Cambridge Companion to Ezra Pound, ed. I.B. Nadel. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, Pp. 161-187.
`Niyi Osundare in Interview with Richard Taylor,' Anglistik, 8. 1 (März 1997), 31-36.
`Three Nigerian Poets and a Lyric Novelist,' Anglistentag 1996 Dresden, ed. Uwe Böker et al. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 1997, Pp.187-195 & `Introduction’, 1Pp. 39-140.
‘Sheri Martinelli: Muse to Ezra Pound,’ Agenda, 38, 102 (Autumn-Winter 2000-2001), 98-112. Republished, 2015.
‘The Japanese Nō and its Influence in Europe: Pound & Yeats, Weil & Britten,’ Das Gedichtete behauptet sein Recht, Festschrift für Walter Gebhard zum 65. Geburtstag. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2001, Pp. 205-213.
‘Towards a Reading Text of The Cantos,’ Ezra Pound and Poetic Influence, ed. Helen M. Dennis. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2000 [2001], Pp. 200-211.
‘The Text of The Cantos,’ The Cambridge Companion to Ezra Pound, ed. Ira B. Nadel. Cambridge; Cambridge University Press, 1999. Pp. 161-187.
`Editing the Variorum Cantos: Process and Policy,' Paideuma, 31; 1.2, and 3 (Spring, Fall, and Winter 2002 [2004]), 311-334.
‘JL as Editor,’ Paideuma, 31;1,2 and 3 (Spring-Winter 2002 [2004]), 97-101.
‘The Cantos: Section Rock-Drill de los Cantares LXXXV-XCV’ & ‘Plays Modelled on the Noh,’ The Ezra Pound Encyclopedia, ed. Demetres Tryphonopoulos and Stephen Adams. Westport Ct; Greenwood Press, 2005. Pp. 43-46 & 223.
‘From Father to Daughter, Selected letters by Ezra Pound,’ Paideuma, 37 (2010), 193-212.
‘The Tragi-Comical History of the Variorum Project and Its Ongoing Betrayals –– Especially by Cambridge University Press’ [2005], 2015.
‘Mindscape and Structure in The Cantos’ [2007], 2015.
‘Soundscape and "Absolute Rhythm" in The Cantos’ [2009], 2015.
‘The Medieval No Drama of Japan and its Influence on Modern, European Theater’ [2010], 2015.
‘Proto-Variorum, The Annals –– An introduction,’ 2015.
`Ants Will Not Eat Your Fingers: A Selection of Traditional African Poems and A Crocodile Has Me by the Leg: Africans Poems, ed. L.W. Doob,' Dartmouth Alumni Magazine, 41, 10 (July 1969), 10-11.
`Purakapali,' African Arts/Arts Afrique, 5, 4 (Summer 1972), 26-27.
`Ogun Onire: A Yoruba Masque,' Nigeria Magazine, 114 (December 1974), 56-58. Reprinted in Transition, 47 (January-March 1975), 38-39.
`Akhtar Quamber, Yeats and the Nō,' Literature East and West, 18, 2-4 (1974), 390-391.
`The Wartime Speeches of Ezra Pound, ed. L.W. Doob,' Journal of American Studies, 14, 3, (1980), 332-333.
`Georg M. Gugelberger, Ezra Pound's Medievalism,' Amerikastudien, 4 (1980), 470-472.
`Adele King, The Writings of Camara Laye,' Komparatistische Hefte, 3 (1981), 94.
`Muraina Oyelami, My Life in the Duro Ladipo Theatre,...' Komparatistische Hefte, 8 (1983), 126-127.
`Critical Perspectives on Wole Soyinka, ed. James Gibbs,' African Literature Today, 14 (1984), 162-164.
`Douglas Archibald, Yeats,' Yeats Annual, 3. London; Macmillan, 1984, pp. 282-284.
`Michael Etherton, The Development of African Drama,' The Times Educational Supplement, 3575 (31 August 1984), 19.
`Kacke Goetrick, Apidan Theatre and Modern Drama, A Study in Traditional Yoruba Theatre and its Influence on Modern Drama by Yoruba Playwrights,' The International Journal of African Historical Studies, 18, 4 (1985), 18-21.
`Georg Gugelberger, Marxism and African Literature,' The International Journal of African Historical Studies, 20, 2 (1987), 310-312.
`Jamilé Morsiani, Da Tutuola a Rotimi, Una Letteratura Africana in Linqua Englese,' Research in African Literature, 18, 3 (Fall 1987), 348-350.
`Elechi Amadi, Estrangement and The Penguin Book of Southern African Stories, ed. Stephen Gray,' The International Journal of African Historical Studies, 20, 3 (1987), 554-556.
`Masaru Sekine, Ze-Ami and His Theories of Noh Drama,' Yeats Annual, 6. London; Macmillan, 1988. Pp. 293-295.
`Patrick J. Keane, Yeats's Interactions with Tradition' and `Ian Fletcher, W. B. Yeats and His Contemporaries, The Modern Language Review, 85, 1 (January 1990), 160-162.
`Thomas Parkinson, Poets, Poems, Movements' and Wolfgang Zach/Heinz Kosok (eds.), `Literary Interrelations: Ireland, England and The World,' 3 vols., Yeats Annual, 8. London; Macmillan, 1991. Pp. 275-279.
`George Lakoff and Mark Turner, More Than Cool Reason,' The Modern Language Review, 86, 3 (July 1991), 652-653.
`David M. Gordon, ed., Ezra Pound and James Laughlin, Selected Letters,' Paideuma, 24, 1 (Spring 1995), [129]-136.
`Peter Stoicheff, The Hall of Mirrors, DRAFTS & FRAGMENTS and the End of Ezra Pound's CANTOS', Paideuma, 25, 3 (Winter 1996), [127-133].
`Derek Attridge, Poetic Rhythm: An Introduction,' The Modern Language Review, 93, 1 (January 1998), 168-169.
`Paul H. Fry, A Defense of Poetry: Reflections on the Occasion of Writing,' The Modern Language Review, 93, 1 (January 1998), 202-203.
`Stephen Adams, Poetic Design,’ The Modern Language Review, 94, 3 (July1999), 1173-1175 .